Hi! I'm Syifa Khansa Salsabila. Best known as 'syifa' or 'syifaks', an ISFP person who is whipped for couch and pillows
- Part of Andalasian, and also future psychologist -

NIM: 2010323004

Skin By : Adam Faiz's
Image : Pinterest
© 2013-2020 syifaks

Membuat Banner Bergerak (Marquee).
Sabtu, 06 Februari 2016, Februari 06, 2016

Hi guys! Kali ini ada yg request nih...

Oke deh, Follow step by step below yaa...
  • Go to Dashboard ~~> Template
  • Copast kode berikut & taruh Di Bawah kode Exchange Banner kamu.

<div style="background: url('Your Url Background') repeat; border: 4px solid #000000; padding: 2px; width: 550px;">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left" onmouseout="this.start()" onmouseover="this.stop()" scrollamount="6"><a href="Friend's URL blog"><img height="100" src="Friend's Banner URL" width="100" /></marquee></div>

  1.  Hijau = URL backgroudmu
  2.  Biru = Ganti sama warna favoritmu
  3.  Merah = URL blog temenmu
  4.  Oranye = URL banner temenmu

  •  Click Save.

Selesai deh    .  Stay tuned for the next tutorial yaa

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